Narrative writing essay
History Research Paper Topics And Guidelines For Middle School Students
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Analysis of John Adams Quincys Quote about a Leader Essay - 16
Investigation of John Adams Quincys Quote about a Leader - Essay Example In the contemporary work settings, what bombs the vast majority of the organizations isn't absence of funds or resources. It is the absence of a viable pioneer who can motivate the devotees to imagine achievement and lead them through as they seek after the company’s objectives and destinations. John Adams’ Quincy’s quote demonstrated above addresses the center of initiative; motivation. As Adair (2009) puts it, to lead successfully isn't simply to be at the bleeding edge. Great authority is assessed dependent on different parameters including the capacity to move and draw out the best from the devotees. Quincy says to turn into a pioneer one must have the option to motivate others to dream more; to envision incredible things. A decent pioneer invigorates their group to set objectives and destinations that may sound silly. The pioneer ought to impart certainty and a feeling of conviction among the supporters. This causes the group to build up the flexibility that regardless of what challenges they experience, they never lose spotlight and assurance on their set objective. For instance, in a circumstance where laborers have practically no considerable plans other than working for the organization in a similar limit with regards to years, a Human Resource Manager (pioneer) may move such staffs through the words they express as well as activities. At long last, the staff may feel restored after they are tested to search for progressively out of their lives (Northouse, 2010). Thusly, Quincy discusses learning as a craft of showing authority. A student is both a student and an instructor. The conduct hypothesis of initiative keeps up that administration is because of conduct learning. The hypothesis sets that great chiefs can be prepared and propelled by their coaches (Hoffmann, 2007). The social hypothesis puts together its contentions with respect to the capacity of people to learn through perception, hearing or in any event, displaying. This implies pioneers can be a source through which adherents recover aptitudes and information on the most proficient method to do or how not to do. A persuasive individual with a solid sense of self is probably going to impact learning and conduct change than others.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Nurse Shortage Approaches Essay
At the point when medical attendants are compelled to work with high medical caretaker to tolerant proportions, patients can build up an assortment of contaminations, get harmed, and can prompt demise. Frequently now and again patients are released home too early without sufficient training about how to deal with their ailment or injury (Raquel and Sean, 2011). In view of patients being released to soon, this makes them return back to the emergency clinic regularly more wiped out than they were previously. Increment in pace of confirmations, moves, and releases on medical clinic unit’s raises nurses’ outstanding task at hand. At the point when medical caretakers have less patients, they can give excellent consideration (Raquel and Sean, 2011). A quantitative research was done dependent on information on unit’s quality and move by move nurture staffing levels. The analysts investigated 43 units of clinical and careful patient’s mortality in a scandalous mag net emergency clinic here in United States. The units and movements staffing information from 2003 to 2006 were acquired and combined with tolerant information bringing about 3.2 million unit shifts for 197961 patients. The result of two staffing factors were examine utilizing a move unit level: understaffing genuine enrolled medical attendants staffing eight hours or more underneath target staffing levels created by a patient grouping framework and high turnover which implies unit affirmations, moves and releases surpasses mean day move by one standard deviation. Understanding endurance rate was investigated utilizing Cox relative peril relapse models with alteration for customers, unit and movements chance covariates was rehearsed. The hazard change mortality was assessed to staffing and turnover inside the initial 5 to 30 days after affirmation and during past movements. The outcome was perilous proportions (Raquel and Sean, 2011). The outcome shows that each move and unit that where understaffed by 4 to 7% and furthermore has high turnover the danger of patient’s passing increments by 2 to 5%. The creators likewise called attention to that low sharpness understanding on units that are understaffed, the danger of death is 4 to 12% and with high turnover the danger of death is 7 to 15% (Raquel and Sean, 2011). The quality of the examination is that the analyst had the option to analyzedâ patients in the units, staffing, shifts levels and turnover. The creators brought up that the constraint in the examination is that the patient example was not indistinguishable; some jumbling of setting up choice with tolerant clinical conditions and differentials in staffing could have impact the investigation. The creators expounded that the discoveries in this investigation is steady with past relationship between enrolled nurture inclusion and lower clinic death rate, (Raquel and Sean, 2011). Complexity and Compare Nursing Leaders Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) and 40 other medicinal services gatherings of associations and pioneers are assisting with discovering arrangements on the war of attendant lack. The alliance planned a site, made promoting developments and made sure about media film (Sigma Theta Tau International). These measures were being done as an approach to allure youngsters to enter the nursing calling. The commercial measures likewise assisted with getting the message out to general society of the radical requirement for medical caretakers. STTI has ascended over $1 million dollars to help towards the battle of medical caretaker lack. The battle keeps on accepting new inclusion across the country to bring issues to light of the medical caretaker deficiency (Sigma Theta Tau International). Johnson and Johnson and The Honor Society of Nursing cooperated and contribute $20 million every year towards battle to downsize on nurture deficiency. The objective of Johnson and Johnson and The Honor Society crusade is to draw in individuals to work in emergency clinics and expanded consideration offices (Sigma Theta Tau International). August 1, 2002 the previous president Bush, marked Nurse Reinvestment Act. The Nurse Reinvestment Act is expected to lighten the nursing lack by offering impetuses with educational cost repayments. The Nurse Reinvestment Act subtleties five principle capacities: Scholarship for future nursing understudies with advance repayment programs. Open business declaration to lure individuals to join up with nursing programs (ANA 2015). Professional successes programs for laborers that might want to advance their calling. Granting awards to overseers for magnet programs. More spotlight on gerontology programs by offering awards for long haul care preparing. Quick track staffing repayment programs for the individuals who choose to show nursing educational program (ANA 2015). Differentiation and Compare Nursing Managers Troughs can assist decline with nursing deficiency by expanding the staff resolve on the units. New medical caretakers frequently feel scared; some are giving extreme assignments that they may require help with. As a trough sitting above is basic to ensure the outstanding task at hand is equally dispersed (ANA 2014). The board by Walking around (MBWA) is a trough that is consistently moving getting out and about. When making adjusts center around what the staff is doing, offer assistance if necessary, associate with the relatives and the staff. This kind of trough is in long haul care offices. By making adjusts you can guarantee that all staff is being dealt with decently, you can perceive what works and doesn't work (ANA 2014). My Personal and Professional Leadership Style As a nursing chief I favor Transformational Leadership style. With transformational authority the emphasis is on propelling and developing connections among the staff, so a similar strategic vision can be gotten. Transformational are acceptable communicators, they utilize their appeal to get individuals to see the point of view on circumstances. Applause and consolation is regularly utilized by transformational pioneers, I am additionally an extraordinary issue solver both at work and at home. As a medical caretaker chief my methodology is proceed with network with the staff and empower the staff through acculturating nursing hypothesis. A decent director will treat their workers with a comprehensive methodology. It isn't each day that the laborers are working up to 100%; they could be having an individual issue. Keep on being self-assured when required, go up against and manage clashes as they emerge. At the point when you approach your representatives with deference, pride, and per mit self-sufficiency they will take a stab at their occupations. Outline Clinics utilized both outlay attendants and voyaging medical attendants who sign momentary agreements to fill singular moves and suit transient staffing needs emerging from staff get-aways or clinical leaves. A few medical clinics utilized inner staffing organizations or buoy pools. The drawbacks to these procedures incorporate significant expense and diminished nature of care. Emergency clinics searching for all the more long haul techniques are putting more in nurture instruction, lower medical attendant to tolerant proportions or constraining volume of patients so not to over-burden accessible staff. Emergency clinics are likewise cooperating with nursing schoolsâ in a push to develop populace of new medical attendants and potentially secure agreements with understudies who go to clinical at their offices. Nursing deficiency can prompt increment understanding mischief and abatement in access to quality consideration. The nursing deficiency is anything but a convenient solution, h owever affirmation of the issue is a starting to an answer. It is basic that social insurance offices staff their units appropriately so the patients will get quality consideration that they merit. Understaffed and high turnover shifts increment the danger of death. References American Nurses Association (ANA 2014). Nursing authority, the board and initiative style. Recovered on April 22, 2015 from.â€management-authority styles.pdf?sfvrsn=4 American Nurses Association (ANA 2015). Attendant reinvestment act foundation. Recovered on April 22, 2015 from. Raquel, M., and Sean, C. (2011). Setting up with nurture understaffing and high patient stir connected to elevated inpatient mortality hazard in a solitary site study. Proof based nursing, Vol. 14, p122-123. Recovered on April 22, 2015 from. Sigma Theta Tau International (1199-2015). Respect Society of Nursing. Realities on the nursing deficiency in North America. Recovered on April 22, 2015, from.
Friday, August 21, 2020
LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Lawful ENVIRONMENT 4 - Essay Example to get the agreement affirmed by the Niger president. The pay-offs were acknowledged by the Niger authorities and the agreement to flexibly arms experienced. Examination : According to the arrangements of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act it is unlawful for any U.S. resident/organization, to pay off or to make a degenerate installment to a remote authority of any govt. or then again organization for the sole motivation behind getting or holding business so as to beat the opposition. As indicated by the Anti-Bribery arrangements of the FCPA it applies to any individual, firm, official, executive, representative, or specialist of a firm and any investor following up for the benefit of a firm. Likewise the individual who makes or approves of making the installment ought to have a degenerate aim, and the installment must be coordinated to initiate the beneficiary to abuse his official situation to coordinate business illegitimately to the payer or to some other individual. - The FCPA totally precludes installments, making a proposal of pay off, or making a guarantee to pay (or approving an outsider or go-between to pay or offer) cash or anyth ing of significant worth. The disallowance applies to any remote open authority regardless of his position or position, it likewise reaches out of making degenerate installments to an outside ideological group or gathering official, or any possibility for remote political office. As indicated by FCPA the disallowance applies to installments made so as to help the firm/organization in getting or holding business for or with, or guiding business to, any individual. ( S 78dd-2. Precluded remote exchange rehearses by household concerns).Now in the event that we investigate the realities of the Niger case considering the arrangements of the FCPA the case is completely clear. In the Niger case the Vice President of NAPCO Richard H. Liebo was legitimately engaged with first encouraging to pay one Captain Ali Tiemogo, head of upkeep for the Niger Air Force as a byproduct of getting the agreement of flexibly of arms by NAPCO to be endorsed by the president. Much later, Liebo was legitimately included as an agent of NAPCO in offering incentives to Captain Ali Tiemogo and his cousin Tahirou Barke who by chance was additionally the principal consular for the Niger Embassy in Washington,DC. NAPCO gave commission checks to three specialists recognized as Amadou Mailele, Captain Tiemogo's brother by marriage; Fatouma Boube, Captain Tiemogo's sister-in-law; and Miss E. Dave, Mr. Barke's sweetheart. It is unimportant that Neither Mr. Mailele, Ms. Boube, nor Ms Dave, nonetheless, got the commission checks or went about as NAPCO's operator and these people were just delegates through whom NAPCO made installments to Captain Tiemogo and Mr. Barke as per FCPA even installments made to or through middle people is at risk to indictment. Indeed, even the way that nor NAPCO's corporate president, Henri Jacob, nor another unrivaled of Mr. Liebo's affirmed the installment of these commission installments. is insignificant and NAPCO is at risk for indictment according to the corrective ar rangements of FCPA. This position is likewise upheld by the legal choices in United States of America, Appellee, versus Robert Richard KING, Appellant.( 2003 WL 22938694 (eighth Cir.(Mo) and USA versus David Kay(Appeal from the United States District Court for the Southern District of Texas(No. Crim.A.H-01-914)
National Recovery Administration free essay sample
We don't have anything to fear yet fear itself. †This announcement is from C. ðÿ™‚ Franklin D. Roosevelt’s first debut address. 14. The entirety of the accompanying proclamations about the Civilian Conservation Corps are valid aside from C. ðÿ™‚ it in the long run came to utilize more than 33% of the American work power. 15. In specifically assuming control over the undertaking of setting the dollar sum the legislature would pay for gold, Franklin Roosevelt’s reported reason for existing was to D. ðÿ™‚ control the cost of gold in order to raise costs. 16. He endeavored to fortify the child’s regard for parental and other conventional position. 17. What was the general U. S. joblessness rate during the most noticeably terrible times of the Depression? B. ðÿ™‚ 25% 18. The push of Roosevelt’s â€Å"Good Neighbor†approach was to A. ? retreat from the military interventionism and unmitigated financial mastery which had portrayed past American strategy toward Latin America 19. The entirety of the accompanying â€Å"New Deal†organizations were made during the Great Depression to give occupations to the jobless EXCEPT A. We will compose a custom exposition test on National Recovery Administration or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page ðÿ™‚ Farm Security Administration (FSA) 20. Which of the accompanying best portrays the organizations of Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge? C. ðÿ™‚ â€Å"The business of government is business! †21. The â€Å"Lost Generation†alludes to C. ðÿ™‚ youthful essayists frustrated by the realism, debauchery, and similarity mastery 1920s America 22. The entirety of the accompanying added to the Great Depression EXCEPT D. ðÿ™‚ absence of credit to assist customers with continuing monetary development 23. The Smoot-Hawley Tariffs and other protectionist exchange measures had the drawn out impact of D. ðÿ™‚ starting retaliatory measures from Europe which debilitated both their economies and ours24. The downturn of 1937 was fundamentally brought about by E.  premature fixing of credit and reductions in spending for New Deal programs 25. The Scopes Trial had the impact of B. ðÿ™‚ featuring the narrow mindedness of strict fundamentalism and its contention with contemporary science and secularism 26. The way of thinking behind the New Deal was basically to E. ? extend the job of central government in giving occupations, help for the jobless, better wages, and guideline of industry to control the maltreatment of the past which had prompted the present gloom 27. Dreading the U. S. Incomparable Court would discover quite a bit of his second term New Deal enactment illegal, as it had accomplished for a great part of the New Deal enactment went during his first term, Franklin Roosevelt reacted by D. ðÿ™‚ taking steps to expand the quantity of judges 28. President Warren G. Harding’s organization could best be contrasted with that of C. ðÿ™‚ Ulysses Grant 29. Dry spells, high levies, liquidations, and low costs during the late 1920s had the best effect on B. ðÿ™‚ the United States Stock Market 30. The outrage in 1919 that influenced the uprightness of significant class baseball was. The Black Sox Scandal†31. Marcus Garvey, pioneer of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, contended for B. ðÿ™‚ an arrival to Africa . 32. â€Å"The business of our country is business†were the expressions of A. ? Calvin Coolidge 33. At the point when the United States Supreme Court neglected to govern well on New Deal enactment, President Franklin A. ðÿ™‚ presented a legal executive redesign charge that would expand the quantity of Supreme Court judges 34. The main lady to serve in a Cabinet-level position was A. ðÿ™‚ Frances Perkins 35. The instance of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti during the 1920s best represented E. The degree of the â€Å"Red Scare†36. W. C. Helpful, Joe â€Å"King†Oliver, and â€Å"Jelly Roll†Morton were known for their achievements in A. ðÿ™‚ jazz 37. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Home Loan Bank Act of 1932 were sanctioned during what United States president’s organization to help facilitate the impacts of the Great Depression? A. ðÿ™‚ Herbert Hoover 38. The â€Å"court-packing†plot proposed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on February 5, 1937 I. was activated by Supreme Court choices that fixed a significant part of the principal New Deal II. was pulled back when a dominant part of the Supreme Court judges resigned III. Became pointless when the Supreme Court started switching past choices and maintaining New Deal enactment IV. was supplanted by a Judiciary charge that denied the president the ability to amplify the government courts however surrendered gravely required procedural changes C. ðÿ™‚ I, III, and IV just 39. â€Å"There is no option to strike against the open wellbeing, anyplace, any time,†was said by C. ðÿ™‚ Calvin Coolidge on getting out the Massachusetts National Guard during the Boston police strike 40. The Republican organizations of the 1920s would best be portrayed as B. Supporting noninterference and free enterprise business arrangements locally 41. The Palmer Raids of the 1920s were a reaction to C. ? fears of socialism follwoing after the Russian Revolution 42. The utilization of portion plans during the 1920s was huge to the economy since it D. ðÿ™‚ filled in as an impetus for another buyer based economy 43. The Supreme Court choice of Schenck v. US set up the point of reference for that B. ðÿ™‚ discourse that presents a â€Å"clear and present danger†isn't secured 44. Which of the accompanying occasions represents the nativist assessments of the 1920s? The reappearance of the Ku Klux Klan and the section of the National Origins Act 45. What was the 1920s Harlem Renaissance? E. ðÿ™‚ A time of imaginative accomplishment in different fields by African-Americans 46. The preliminary of Sacco and Vanzetti outlined America’s dread of D. ðÿ™‚ settlers who had radical or liberal convictions 47. The effect of the Fordney-McCumber and Hawley-Smoot Tariffs could be best portrayed as B. ðÿ™‚ devastating Europe’s capacity to take care of its war obligations and harming America industry 48. For what reason was the Kellogg-Briand Pact noteworthy? A. The countries included made a deal to avoid utilizing danger of war against one another. 49. An essential purpose behind Henry Ford’s accomplishment in the car business was that he C. ðÿ™‚ received a system of even coordination 50. The reason for the Nineteenth Amendment was to D. ðÿ™‚ award testimonial to ladies 51. The Scopes Trial outlined the nation’s banter over A. ? strict conservatism versus present day logical hypotheses 52. Warren G. Harding’s organization is most connected with which outrage? Tea kettle Dome Scandal 53. The gathering of American creators disappointed by society follwoing the First World War are alluded to as C. The Lost Generation 54. The appointment of Herbert Hoover over Al Smith represented C. ðÿ™‚ nativist assessments concerning religion 55. Toward the beginning of the Great Depression, Black Tuesday happened when D. ? financial specialists dashed to sell their stock property 56. The Dust Bowl of the Great Depression happened in light of the fact that C. ðÿ™‚ extreme farming had drained the topsoil 57. African-Americans during the Depression regularly experienced B. ðÿ™‚ expanded segregation in work and in alleviation programs 58. At the point when confronted with the securities exchange crash and the beginning of the Depression, Hoover upheld D. Empowering intentional changes inside personal business 59. The principle objective of the Bonus Army toward the beginning of the Depression was to A. ðÿ™‚ permit veterans to get their guaranteed armed force annuities mid 60. The fundamental reason for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation was to B. ðÿ™‚ give government credit to make sure about bombing banks 61. How did Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt contrast in thier endeavors to react to the Great Depression? B. ðÿ™‚ While Roosevelt felt that guide ought to be provided legitimately to the individuals, Hoover felt that the legislature should just attempt to settle the partnerships and banks. What is the act of purchasing on edge? B. ðÿ™‚ Using bank advances to buy stocks 63. Which of the accompanying New Deal organizations was made to help organizations most legitimately? C. ðÿ™‚ National Recovery Administration 64. What was Franklin Roosevelt’s â€Å"Brain Trust†? B. ðÿ™‚ An assortment of intelligent people who filled in as informal consultants 65. How did the Second New Deal contrast from the First New Deal during the Depression? A. ? It contained a more noteworthy number of social government assistance benefits. 66. Huey Long and Upton Sinclair scrutinized the New Deal in light of the fact that E.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Tips On Research Paper Writing
Tips On Research Paper WritingA student looking for more information on research paper writing can find plenty of information on the web. However, without having some knowledge of the topic, it can be hard to sort through all the information.Writing papers can be quite different from writing essays. Students who are relatively new to the subject can learn a lot from taking a step back and reviewing their first paper. After they finish that first piece of paper, they will feel confident enough to try writing their next one.One of the best things a student can do before they write a research paper is to consider how much time they have in the day. If they only have ten minutes to write and read an essay, a research paper can be quite quick.There are many different things students can do to make their paper a bit more interesting. For example, if they want to include pictures or drawings, they may need to use different tools and software. However, if they want to include video, audio or written content, they may need to purchase software that specializes in such tasks.There are also several tools students can use to make their research paper stand out from the others in the class. With a few different items in the class, students can make their own uniqueness and stand out from the other students.Some students decide to make a research paper for their class by taking one from each of the topics in the class. Others make one for the year by finding one piece of research paper writing for the course. Either way, there are plenty of things a student can do to make their own research paper stand out from the others.As a student looking for more information on research paper writing, there are a number of things to consider. First, make sure you understand the general topic of the class. Then, use the following tips to help make your research paper unique and interesting.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Analysis of Nigeria General Issues Writing Assignment - 825 Words
Analysis of Nigeria: General Issues Writing Assignment (Case Study Sample) Content: Analysis of NigeriaNameInstitutionAnalysis of NigeriaGeneral IssuesThe Republic of Nigeria is country located in West Africa. The country borders Benin on the west while on the eastern side it borders Cameroon and Chad. On the northern side, it borders Niger while on the south it borders the Gulf of Guinea. Nigeria gained its independence from the United Kingdom in 1960. In 1963 the country was declared a republic, and it commemorates it on 1st October every year. Its capital city is Abuja which was developed in the 1980s. Abuja was named the capital of Nigeria in 1991 replacing Lagos. Nigeria government is that of presidential Federal Republic. The official language is English, and it is used in legal, business transactions and education. Naira is the official currency of Nigeria and is subdivided into Kobo. One hundred Kobo are equivalent to one Naira ("Facts about Nigeria | Nigeria Facts," 2016)The current exchange rate of the Nigerian Naira against United Arab Em irates Dirham (AED) is 85.833 Nigerian Naira is equal to one AED. The laws passed by the Nigerian government are available and can be accessed from the central website; the website is Nigeria Law Report website. The Constitution of Nigeria can also be obtained from the site. Nigeria Law Report website stores the judgment of the Supreme Court and the court of appeal (Nigeria Law Reports, 2016).Special issuesThe national assembly of Nigeria is a bicameral legislature. It was established under section four of the countrys constitution. The Senate consists of one hundred and nine members, whereas the House of Representative consists of 360 members. The senates head is the called the President of the Nigerian State. The house is led by Speaker of the House of Representative. The Senate president chairs any joint session of the two houses. The Assembly conducts oversight functions and scrutinizes bills. The assembly also performs scrutiny on government officials. Both houses must pass a bill and approved by the president to become law. In extreme cases, the Assembly can overrule the executive when it deems fit.Nigeria has a federal government whereby the head of state exercises the executive power. The president is both the head of National Government and Head of the state. He/she is elected in a democratic process after gathering a majority vote. The office of the president is limited to two terms only for each president. The state governments are headed by the governors who are also elected by a majority vote. The Central Government supports the state governments. The state government allocates funds to the state governments so that they can run their internal affairs efficiently.The judiciary interprets the law and upholds the law. The judiciary consists of the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeal, High Court, Magistrate Courts and Sharia courts.The legal system is a combination of statutory, common law of England, Islamic Sharia law and customary law. Local c ourts in Nigeria use Islamic and customary laws in their judgments. Statutory and common law are applied in the Federal and state courts. It has been noted that a lot of corruption is recorded in the Nigerian courts. Judicial officers receive bribes to influence decisions.Currently, all government branches are headquartered in the city of Abuja. Some of the prominent officials in Nigeria include; President Muhammadu Buhari, Vice President Yemi Osimbajo. The Senate president is called Bukora Saraki; the House Speaker is named Yakubu Dogara and Mahmud Mohammed who is the Chief Justice. Nigeria is a multi-party republic; thus there exist many political parties. Some of the major political parties include; All Progressive Congress (APC), Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and African Peoples Alliance (APA).Stability of the Nigerian government is very fragile due to some factors attributed to it. The first problem that destabilizes the government is the terrorist group of Boko Haram. This I slamic group has played a very significant role in destabilizing the government. The presence of a Muslim majority in the north of the country and a Christian majority in the south has also had destabilizing effects. The Muslims yearn to have their independent state alone which the government vehemently refuses.Overreliance on petroleum revenues has had an adverse effect on the stability of the government. Lower prices of oil lead to deficits which the government is unable to meet due to lack of a diversified economy (Eze Ogiji 2016).Several changes have been initiated in Nigeria in the last 2-3 years. President Muhammudu Buhari won the presidency from Goodluck Jonathan. The government has tried to fight corruption to some extent. This has led to some top officials in government charged with fraud. The menace of Boko Haram has been dealt with by the Nigerian Army with help from the American Government.The foreign affairs of the Republic of Nigeria ...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Managing A Group Of Intimate Partner Violence - 1576 Words
Managing a Group of Intimate Partner Violence Perpetrators The group for psychoeducational support groups for the perpetrators of intimate partner violence. The ultimate goal of the group is to ensure that they can manage any anger problems, emotional problems, and drug related problems that may contribute to their behavior (Corey, Corey, Corey, 2014). It should be every group member’s goal that he or she learns techniques to genuinely improve relationships with others. Every group members’ goal should be to be truthful and open about their abusive behaviors towards others and learn alternative ways to interact with others (Corey et al., 2014). In addition, there may also be a need managing the stress from any other contributing factors that may affect abusive behavior (Corey et al., 2014). Group members will be given different outlets to help individuals feel in control over emotions and behaviors. Also, it is the group leader’s goal to make sure that the group member’s take responsibility for their actions and are not solely placing blame on the victims of intimate partner abuse (Corey et al., 2014). Lastly, the group members should develop compassion and empathy towards the individuals that they are around (Corey et al., 2014). This will allow the perpetrators of domestic violence to address any rationalizations that may prevent them from making progress within the group. One may expect certain outcomes from meeting these objectives. Intimate partnerShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence ( Dv )987 Words  | 4 PagesNeeds Statement: Domestic violence (DV), also known as intimate partner violence, is a pattern of abusive behavior that keeps one partner in a position of power over the other through the use of fear, intimidation and control. DV is a cultural and societal problem, and not a women’s problem or a men’s problem as many people come to believe. The problem also stems from the lack of adequate and consistent training for persons helping survivors escape their situation. Therefore, the solution to preventRead MoreDomestic Violence : The United States Department Of Justice1617 Words  | 7 Pagesof Justice (2015) defines domestic violence as a â€Å"pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used to by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner†. Domestic violence occurs in every culture, country, and age group. It affects individuals from all socioeconomic, educational, religious backgrounds, and occurs in both same-sex and heterosexual relationships. For this paper I will take a look at how domestic violence affects marriages. 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